
Osservatorio Nomade/Barcelona (Domènec, Pau Faus, Giulia Fiocca, Pere Grimau, Paolo Nadalin, Elvira Pujol, Anna Recasens, Lorenzo Romito, Glòria Safont-Tria, Jordina Sangrà, Laia Solé, Joan Vila-Puig, Debora Zanette)

Routes around the Barcelona
urban area

Rieres/Rambles is a territorial research project promoted by Stalker, and organised by the OSSERVATORIO NOMADE/BARCELONA. It is part of a series of similar projects undertaken previously, such as Campagna Romana (Rome, 2006) and Barilonga (Bari, 2006). The project aims to find incidences of new models for interpreting territory in the Greater Barcelona Area based on direct, collective and transdisciplinary experiences that have the practice of roaming as their basis. Two phases of work: «Roaming» and «Variable Distances and Multiple Identities».
«Roaming»: A three-day group walk (12th-14th April 2007) with five different departure points and five areas of simultaneous research: Sitges and the Garraf; Olesa de Montserrat and the Baix Llobregat; Viladecavalls and the Vallès Occidental; Llinars del Vallès and the Vallès Oriental; and Sant Andreu de Llavaneres and the Maresme.
«Variable Distances and Multiple Identities» (2007-2009): This involved the creation of workshops and working groups in order to carry out research into, reflect on and promote new models for interpreting territory in the Greater Barcelona Area.
The exploration of the Greater Barcelona Area on foot as the basis for territorial research, involves adopting a position outside the guidelines that construct the standardised experience of everyday life. By observing and listening to the erratic roaming line we have been able to experience a reality that eschews superficial categorisations and offers multiple possibilities for research far removed from media simplifications.